WELCOME to the Home Page of GIRLS' ACADEMY!

(952) 925-4504

Successful Females
Patty Carney-Bradley
4018 W. 65th St.
Suite 100
Edina MN 55435

Empowerment Workshop for 5th – 8th Grade Girls
Purchase the program to implement with Girls in your Community!

The goal of this program is to empower girls
with information necessary to make decisions
for a positive, involved and successful life...

To value themselves and be in charge of their lives
by being assertive, standing up for themselves
and what they believe in...

To know that they are worthy of going after their dreams
and being part of healthy relationships.

Why is the Girls' Academy needed?
Current research states that an alarming number of girls tend to become underachievers in our society when they reach adolescence and beyond.  This research is the basis for Girls' Academy.   Girls' Academy began in 1992 at the request of parents who had participated in Patty Carney-Bradley's seminars as a way to reach out to young females themselves. Patty has packaged her 16 years experience teaching this program into a curriculum whose goal is to spark dialogue between young females and those that care about them and to replace feelings of helplessness and powerlessness with skills and techniques that can make a positive impact on young females. This program was designed to enhance a young female's confidence and self-esteem and empower girls with information necessary to make decisions for a positive, involved and successful life and encourage them to reach for their dreams!

Who can implement the Girls' Academy?
Anyone with facilitation skills who cares about young girls –Teachers, Parents, Girl Scout leaders, Youth Ministers, Coaches

How long is the program?
The recommended program is 40 hours but is flexibly packaged so you can implement according to your schedule needs.

How may I purchase this program?
You may contact Patty on “Instructor’s Profile” page.

The NEW Successful Females web site under development by Lonnie Knight Design